ࡱ>  ^k LbjbjVV 4<<555555IIIIIti:~~~(******$AN95~~~~~N55DDD~55(D~(DDDW'IzD0DyyDDy5X~~D~~~~~NND~~~~~~~y~~~~~~~~~ : The School of Law Enforcement & Justice Administration Consolidated Annual Report: Academic Year 2010/2011 Dr. Terry M. Mors February 18, 2011 I. Accomplishments and Productivity A. Mission The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administrations mission aligns with the Universitys mission and the Universitys four core values. The mission of the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration is to provide quality, broad-based, interdisciplinary courses which provide students with the educational tools necessary to meet the challenges of the criminal justice system. The Schools mission also extends to provide expertise to the criminal justice field through research, service, and technical assistance. In its forty-one year history, the School has graduated approximately 10,000 students. The School continues to be strongly associated with Law Enforcement. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the past reputation of the School continues to be a key to recruitment. In looking forward, the School continues to work through a total curriculum review in an attempt to offer students a rich blend of theoretical, administrative, and practical knowledge, consistent with the mission of the School and the University. B. Identification of deficiencies and weaknesses 1. Undergraduate program a. 23% decrease in undergraduate enrollment b. Stagnant curriculum 1. No tangible products ore outcomes from on-going curriculum review c. Lack of prescribed learning outcomes d. Stagnant enrollments at the Quad Cities campus e. Underutilized resources at the Q.C campus f. Advising inadequacies at the Quad Cities campus g. Understaffed faculty 1. Five unfilled faculty positions 2. Graduate program a. Decline in graduate enrollment b. Apathy among current graduate students c. Failure to identify new markets d. Need for graduate curriculum review e. Need to reexamine entry level requirements f. Lack of learning outcomes B. Goals Accomplished The following goals and objectives were accomplished (pursuant to 鶹ý Strategic Plan: 2008-2018): 1. Learning Enhancements a. The School hired one (1) new faculty member (Dr. Lim) [鶹ý Goal #1, Action 2]. b. The School finally approved the previously proposed Legal Studies minor. That is now in the University approval process. [from 7 year report; 鶹ý Goal #2: 1d]. c. The School proposed a revision of the Homeland Security minor. That proposal has been approved by the School and is in the University approval process. d. The School has proposed four new courses (LEJA 332, LEJA 415 LEJA 416, and LEJA 418). All four courses have been approved by the School and are now in the University approval process. e. The School moved one additional face-to-face course on-line to supplement the on-line curriculum (LEJA 208). f. The Schools curriculum committee continues to work towards a total curriculum review as proposed in the last seven-year report. (from 7 year report, pg. 81, 07) [鶹ý goal #2: 1d]. g. Maintained a high number (319) of student internship offerings (state & nationwide) [鶹ý goal #2: 1g; goal #3: 2b; goal #5: 1a]. h. Identified student client base in Quad Cities. That was different than originally thought. [鶹ý goal #1: a1]. i. Identified barriers to learning in the Quad Cities Campus j. Offered 3 Honors courses [鶹ý goal #2: 1h]. k. Reevaluated annual student outcomes and assessments. The School repealed the use of the senior survey exam due to the lack of validity. [annual student outcomes & assessment report [鶹ý goal #2: 1d & e]. l. Developed a multi-year projection of graduate course offerings [Provost request; 鶹ý goal #3: 1h]. m. Added an additional on-line course to the graduate program (LEJA 504). n. Maintained course offerings on the Quad Cities campus: undergraduate and graduate course offerings [鶹ý goal #3, 1h & i]. o. Identified a new person responsible for School website maintenance, and began implementation of website revisions to address unfulfilled goal from last year. p. Faculty completed five Masters Thesis with graduate students [鶹ý Goal #2]. q. Offered2 new online courses in accordance with the IL Alliance [鶹ý goal #2: 1a]. r. Past annual report erroneously identified a student/professor ratio of 65:1, which is outside 鶹ýs goal of 17:1. But that included the LEJA Internship Coordinator. The true student/faculty ratio for LEJA faculty is 23:1. [鶹ý Goal #1: 1 (2)]. 2. Fiscal Responsibility a. The Annual operating budget was permanently increased by $8,634.00 (increase of 21.88% over last years total of $39,500.00) [鶹ý Goal #1 Action 1, a 4]. b. Observed stability in external funding in the foundation budget through the phonathon [鶹ý goal #5: 2c]. c. Increased the foundation budget through a newly proposed fund-raising effort utilizing existing exemplary students. d. The Target Corporation Scholarship ($10,000) was renewed [鶹ý goal #3: 2 b]. e. Added a new scholarship for Homeland Security minors (Jonah Alexander Scholarship). f. The School instituted a new Scholarship for indigent LEJA majors of exceptional scholarly aptitude. g. Observed an increase in the budget for the Center of Applied Criminal Justice Research via research projects & training of practitioners [鶹ý goal #2: 2a & 2f (1)]. h. The School was authorized five (5) faculty hires beyond the hiring of Dr. Lim. Four (4) are replacements and one (1) is an authorized additional position from last year. For many reasons, no new faculty were hired in fall, leaving Dr. Lim as the only new hire for this past year. That resulted in five (5) hiring deferments to FY 12, and a subsequent savings of five (5) faculty line items for FY 11. 3. Partnerships, Community Engagement & Outreach a. The Institute for Applied Criminal Research Studies underwent a name change to the Center for Applied Criminal Justice. The rationale was a branding strategy to distance the Center from the Illinois State Training and Standards Boards Executive Institute. b. Centers budget increased (due to technical assistance projects) [鶹ý Goal #2: 2a, f (1)]. c. Implemented new website for the Center, provide publication outlet for students and faculty. d. A new Blog service was created in FY 10, but never utilized. In late fall 2011, the Centers blog went live. e. Partnerships with: 1. Performed training programs for ILLEEI & assisted in developing a series of Risk Management training programs for police administrators. f. Provided technical assistance/consultation with CJ agencies. g. Provided P.O.W.E.R. tests (entry level police physical fitness exam) for law enforcement agencies: 6 events serving 10 agencies, from three states. h. Faculty maintaining professional associations (state, nation, & international). i. Seeking educational partnership with IL Law Enforcement Executive Institute on offering CEUs for certified management training [鶹ý goal #4: 2, e (2)]. j. Reinstituted a professional partnership with the Quad Cities Council of Police Chiefs. k. Reinstituted a professional partnership with the Central Illinois Association of Law Enforcement Executives. l. Provided annual LEJA career fair: serviced over 900 students with 85 agencies attending [鶹ý Goal #4:1, e]. m. Offering undergraduate LEJA courses in the QC at the Moline Police Department. 4. Access, Equity, Diversity & Enrollment Management [鶹ý goal #1:2(c)] a. Enrollment management plan submitted to Dean of COEHS (1/23/10) 1. Identification of Quad Cities student population. 2. Identification of markets for recruitment of underrepresented groups (Chicago Citywide Community Colleges; Rockford, Illinois; Peoria, Illinois; East St. Louis, Illinois). 3. Identification of new undergraduate markets. 4. Recruiting undergraduate and graduate students [鶹ý goal #1]. 5. Discover 鶹ý events (11). 6. Open house recruitment at QC campus. 7. Graduate Program recruitment (4 events). 8. Professional career fair; Springfield and Jacksonville, IL (2 events). 9. Graduate recruiting at Chicago area PDs and in the QC area. 10. Grad student recruitment via professional training provided (9 events). 11. On-campus LEJA undergraduate meeting for recruiting grad school students. 12 Meet with prospective students/parents. 13. Meet with prospective athletes interested in LEJA as a major. b. Recruit prospective faculty at state and national conferences. c. Newly hired faculty have assisted in meeting the goal of increasing diversity within the School: 1 South Korean female. d. The proposed converted unit B position to 1 unit A position did not materialize due to budgetary constraints. e. Currently searching for 5 new tenure track faculty and a new director. f. Current # of faculty and ethnicity (Unit A & B)= 31; 5 Caucasian females; 5 underrepresented males; and 21 Caucasian males (includes 2 faculty from outside the US). 5. Internationalization a. New faculty hire from South Korea (Dr. Lim). [鶹ý goal #2 e]. b. Formalized a memorandum of understanding between The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (SLEJA) at 鶹ý Illinois University and Sapir Academic College (Israel). c. Formalized a memorandum of understanding between the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (SLEJA) at 鶹ý Illinois University and the Vladimir Branch of the Russian Academy of Public Administration. d. Formalized a memorandum of understanding between The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration (SLEJA) at 鶹ý Illinois University and Criminal Justice School (CJS) at East China University of Political Science and Law. e. International conference presentations outside US: Turkey, China, & Russia (5) . f. Initiate plans to bring a visiting professor to 鶹ý from South Korea. [鶹ý goal #2 e]. g. Hosted an international conference, Terrorist Threats in the AfPak-India Region and Its Implications for the United States, at 鶹ý multi-cultural Center. [鶹ý goal #2 e]. h. Hosted Dr. Uri Rosset, visiting professor from Sapir College (Israel). [鶹ý goal #2 e]. 6. Faculty Scholarship/Professional Activities a. Publications (N=46; down 2.12% over last years total of 47) 1. Books Published = 5 (increase of 400% over last years total of 1). 2. Chapters in books = 10 (increase of 150% over last years total of 4). 3. Referred journal articles = 26 (increase of 8.33% over last years total of 24). 5. Non-refereed journal articles = 4 (decrease of 33.33% over last years total of 6). 6. Monographs/technical reports = 1 (decrease of 50% over last years total of 2). b. Conference/Professional presentations (49) 1. Regional, national, & International 40 (decrease of 18.36% over last years total of 49). c. Creative Activities 1. Journal Editor=1 (100% decrease over previous year total of 2) 2. Associate Journal Editors=6 (same, no increase or decrease) 3. Grants submitted=1 national grants, not funded (100% decrease over previous year total of 2) 4. Agency technical consultation=12 (50% increase over previous year total of 8) 7. Additional Indicators The School lost two members of the faculty, including the Director, whom were very active in creative activities and professional memberships. That accounted in part for the decline in certain areas. The School did hire one new faculty member, who has been very active, and helped offset that loss. In addition, Dr. Dodson has been elected to committees within the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. That will be very instrumental as the School moves towards accreditation. a. Membership in State Professional Associations=14 (6.66% decrease over previous year total of 15) b. Membership in National Professional Associations= 14 (same, no increase or decrease) c. Membership in International Professional Associations=5 (58.33% decrease over previous year total of 12. It is believed the previous annual total of 12 was an error.) d. Service to student clubs and organizations= 12 faculty (same, no increase or decrease) e. Faculty are serving on 16 Masters Thesis committees in the School f. Faculty provide service to the School, College, and University committees g. Faculty provide service to the criminal justice community The volume of scholarly/professional activity has remained constant, despite being down five (5) faculty positions. In addition, Dr. Darrell Ross resigned as the Director for the School. Dr. Ross contributed greatly to the scholarly/professional activity of the School. Research and scholarly activity is necessary to grow the School as well as to advance the various criminal justice related fields. The permanent increase in operating budget has afforded a greater opportunity for faculty to engage in research as well as present their research. For example, Dr. Lee is conducting research on convicted burglars in Ohio and in Iowa. In addition, he has developed a research partnership with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the University of South Florida. Dr. Lee and Dr. Lim are also pursuing grant opportunities. Dr. Lee has been awarded a $5,000 grant to assist with his research. A collaborative environment is being created to encourage and assist faculty in research. C. Measures of Productivity The School offers undergraduate and graduate courses on the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses. In addition, the School offers graduate courses at four extension sites in the Chicago area and at the Quad Cities campus. 1. Undergraduate Enrollment New LEJA student enrollments dropped the last four consecutive years, 2006 through 2009. There were many factors that contributed to the drop in enrollment. The main factor was an intentional lack of aggressive marketing and advertising by the School. That was in conflict with the Schools number one goal for last year in regards to enrollment management. The School relied mainly on Discover 鶹ý recruitment sessions and walk in students during the academic year. There was a change in leadership July 01, 2011. The enrollment management plan was immediately changed to include outreach strategies. The School identified existing feeder schools, new markets, and diverse markets. Despite having only a few months of new marketing strategies in place, new student enrollment was up 9.79 percent. Transfer students have steadily declined over the past four years. Transfer stunts prior to the past four years accounted for 52 percent of new students. This past year the percentage of new transfer students was 41%. The School has taken steps to target and market to community colleges to raise the number of transfer students back up to at least 50 percent. New freshman in LEJA enrolled for the Fall 2010 semester amounted to 318 students. New transfer students in LEJA for fall 2010 totaled 220. That totaled a combined with new freshman enrollment of 538 for Fall 2010. New LEJA enrollment accounted for 55.37 percent of the College of Education and Human Services new students.  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The fall semester 2010 ten day count for LEJA undergraduate students was 2,207. That is an increase of 162 students (increase of 7.9%). In fall 2010, there were 866 pre-LEJA majors, 639 LEJA majors, 315 LEJA minors, 164 Fire Science minors, 135 Homeland Security minors, and 88 Security Administration minors. The LEJA program at the Quad Cities campus remains the fifth most popular degree program (鶹ý Fast Facts, 2010).  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  The School requires a 15 semester hour internship for all majors. In benchmarking against other like programs, The 鶹ý LEJA internship is the envy of other institutions. The School of LEJA enjoys a tremendous relationship with the organizations that accept our interns. That positive relationship is based upon years of trust and respect. Since 2005 the average number of students placed on internships is approximately 362 annually. For the academic year of 2010, 319 students were placed on internship. That is down 4.7 percent (16 students) from 2009 total of 335. That correlates with the continued decrease of LEJA enrollments over the last four years. 鶹ý offers courses in both summer sessions. Over the past four years, LEJA summer offerings have continuously declined. That is the direct result of poor planning and poor scheduling. The School has conducted a needs analysis and is committed to offering LEJA students summer courses that meet student wants and needs. The goal of the School is to raise the summer program up to 2005 levels. 2. Graduate Enrollment There are currently 97 graduate students in the LEJA graduate program. That is an increase of 27.63% from last years total of 80 graduate students. The College of Education and Human Services identified the decline of the LEJA graduate program as the #1 problem in the COEHS.  EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s  In the last four (4) years, the School went from 122 to 76 studnets. That is a loss of 46 students, and a decline of 38 percent. The loss in last year of 29 students (105 to 76) represents a loss in percentage of 36%. Of the 76 Grad students enrolled in 2010, there were only 9 active students. LEJA graduate students had become disenchanted with the program. There were multiple variables to account for the apathy and decline in graduate students. The main cause was poor customer service. The Director for the School personally reached out to all graduate students in the program. Anecdotal evidence suggests graduate students became apathetic due to their e-mails and telephone calls not being returned. Many students did not know when courses were being offered, how to register, etcetera. The Director replaced the graduate coordinator with a more proactive and aggressive faculty member. The new Graduate Coordinator developed and implemented a new 12-step program. In the first semester (fall 2010) the School went from 9 active graduate students to 55 active graduate students. That is an increase in active graduate students of 511.11%. The School is working to regain and keep the trust of current students. The School also engaged in four recruitment campaigns in Illinois and Missouri. The School continues to offer the majority of graduate courses on the Macomb Campus and the Quad Cities campus. At one point in time, the Chicago area accounted for 76% of the LEJA graduate student population. Today there are only 19 LEJA graduate student in the Chicago area. The Chicago area now only accounts for 18.43% of the LEJA graduate population. At one point in time, 鶹ý and UIC were the only two schools offering a law enforcement or criminal justice degree in the Chicago area. Today there are many colleges and universities in the Chicago area offering criminal justice degrees. Students have more choices. The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration is now competing for students in the Chicago area. Lewis University is the largest competitor in the Chicago area, and members of the Chicago Police account for a huge portion of their criminal justice degree programs. The School of LEJA is currently marketing in the Chicago area in an attempt to revive the program in that area. The School also offered graduate courses in Springfield. Several years back, the School stopped delivering courses in Springfield due to low enrollment. The current Graduate Coordinator and Director have reached out to the law enforcement community in Springfield in an attempt to revive the Springfield market. To date there is a modest interest as six (6) Springfield area students have either come into the program, or are in the process of entering the program. The School is also exploring new markets for the graduate program. 3. Additional Indicators of Productivity a. Degrees Conferred The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration continues to produce the most graduates from the University. Despite a continued decline in enrollment, the School graduated 324 undergraduate students in 2010. That is down 13.69 percent from the 2009 graduation total of 374. A total of 10 undergraduate LEJA students graduated from the Quad Cities campus in 2010. That is consistent with the graduate rate for the Quad Cities. There were a total of 38 LEJA graduates from the Master of Arts degree program in 2010. That is an increase of 31 percent over last years graduate graduation total of 29. LEJA students continue to graduate within 4.1 years of admission (IRP, pg. 74) and the average years to graduation since 2005 is 4.0 years, which is consistent with Grad Trac. On average, undergraduate students graduate with a 3.2 GPA. Retention rates for LEJA undergraduate students is79.1 percent, which compares to an overall University retention rate of 73%. b. Student Credit Hours The total student credit hours (SCH) generated by LEJA in 2010 was 18,186. That was a drop in SCHs for the four year in a row. The LEJA SCH total in 2009 was 22,433. Over the last six (6) years, since 2005, the School averaged 22,031 SCHs annually. Despite the continued decline in SCHs, the School continues to produce more total SCHs than any other program on campus. The constant drop in SCHs is in direct proportion to the 23 percent decline in enrollment over the last fours years. The School has recently taken steps to increase enrollment through a new enrolment management plan. That strategy is expected to yield an increase in SCHs. The total student credit hours (SCH) generated by LEJA in 2010 in Summer 2010 was 1,212. That was a drastic reduction from the Summer 2009 SCHs generated by the of 2,328 SCHs. The summer SCH production has declined substantially each year over the last four years. That is a direct result of poor planning and enrollment management. The projected summer 2011 SCH production is expected to increase significantly due to a change in enrollment management. c. Grade Analysis Grade dispersion of LEJA students reveals that the School still ranks third among other departments across campus, behind Mathematics and English & Journalism. The total hours generated by LEJA has declined for three years in a row, and is again consistent with the decline in enrollments. d. Honors College The School encourages students to participate in the Honors College. The School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration makes up about 15 percent of the total honors students on campus, comprising more students than other departments (Honors College, 10). The School offers at least one Honors course annually. Annually the School hosts an Honors Reception for LEJA students. In 2010, 351 students were recognized for their scholastic achievements. In addition, the School recognized two Department Scholars e. Student Diversity Males continue to comprise 75 percent of the undergraduate students in the School on the Macomb campus. Underrepresented groups were erroneously calculated in last years annual report. Last years annual report stated that underrepresented groups comprised 16 percent of the LEJA undergraduate student population, and claimed that was 2 percent above 2008 numbers. The actual percentage of underrepresented groups in LEJA is 4.21%. The School has done nothing in past history to specifically recruit underrepresented populations. The School has currently identified markets for recruiting undergraduate students including, but not limited to, Chicago (Chicago City-wide Colleges), Rockford, Peoria, East St. Louis and St. Louis. f. Faculty Teaching Faculty of the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration are currently servicing 2,207 undergraduate students and 55 graduate students. During the past year, LEJA offered 171 undergraduate courses and 10 graduate courses. Those figures do not include summer school course offerings. The average undergraduate class size is 28 students. The School of LEJA student to professor ratio, minus the internship program, is 28:1. The School had endeavored to move to a 3:3 teaching load and the Provost authorized 8 faculty for the 09/10 academic year. However, due to poor scheduling, the School was not able to realize an 18 ACE load for all faculty. A course offering needs analysis was conducted for FY 11 and FY 12. Twelve sections of courses were cancelled from the Spring 2011 semester. The goal of the School is to consolidate lower division classes with single digit and low double digit enrollments. Through proper analysis, planning, and delivery of courses, the Director posits that an 18 ACE course load for faculty could be attained without sacrificing student needs. This action is aimed meeting the established goal of increasing scholarship activities amongst the faculty (note pg. 4, item #6 this report; 7 year report, 07). During the past year, summer school course offerings continued to decline. In 2010, the School offered 9 undergraduate and 5 graduate courses. The projected course offering for summer 2011 is 12 undergraduate courses and 7 graduate courses. Over the summer 2010, Dr. Darrell Ross left the University. That created an administrative vacancy, School Director. One LEJA faculty is expected to retire in May 2011, one more is scheduled to retire in December 2011, and three (3) more are scheduled to retire in May 2012. resigned. Additionally, there are currently five (5) faculty vacancies with the School that need to be filled. One (1) of those five positions is a new position. Attrition for the School of LEJA is currently a huge issue, and will continue to be an issue into the immediate future. The School is authorized 25 Unit A and 6 Unit B faculty. The School also employs on average, eight (8) adjunct faculty each semester. The Unit B position that was requested to be moved to Unit A in FY 10, did not materialize. The School currently has a need for a private security instructor, and will also soon need a fire science instructor. The goal is to utilize those unit B positions to fill faculty vacancies where locating a faculty member with a terminal degree is unlikely or impossible. The School will continue to strive towards an 18ACE load for all LEJA faculty. That will most likely be achieved through changes in scheduling. Currently, there is a vast amount of waste of manpower that is directly attributed to poor planning and scheduling. However, until the School is one again adequately staffed, up to maximum staffing levels, there will no doubt be a need for LEJA faculty to teach in excess of 18 ACES. To that end, LEJA the faculty are to be commended for their continued dedication to excellence in the classroom with LEJA students. Despite continuously asked to do more in regards to increased workloads, committee work, participation on student organizations, etcetera, the quality of work remains excellent. The assimilation of new knowledge is occurring in the classroom, LEJA continues to produce the most honors students on campus, and the average mean score on student evaluations is 4.5 on a 5-point scale. Despite being so busy with teaching, research/scholarly activities, committee work, and participation in student organizations, LEJA faculty are always readily available to students outside the classroom. Academic rigor has also not suffered. The academic excellence of LEJA is on par with the most credible departments on campus. Again, that is directly attributed to the quality and dedication of faculty and staff. The civil service support staff and the advisers play a key role in making the 鶹ý School of law Enforcement and Justice Administration a signature program on campus, and among the top law enforcement programs in the country. II. Budget Enhancement FY 11 From 2000 to 2004 the Schools operating budget was $43,474.00. From 2004 to 2008 the Schools operating budget decreased to $32,756.00 and enhancements of $4,000.00 were received mid-year during fiscal year 2007 and 2008. In August 2009, the Schools operating budget increased by about 21% to $39,500. In fall 2010, the School received a permanent operating budget increase of $8,643.00 or 21.88 percent. No other enhancements were received during the fiscal year. The School is very appreciative of the 21.88 percent permanent increase in the operating budget). The additional funding is necessary for travel and faculty development for tenure purposes. The School currently has seven (7) probationary faculty, and will be hiring five (5) additional faculty for replacement positions. All faculty are openly encouraged to seek additional funding from the Provosts travel funding process and travel monies from the College of COEHS. Additionally, more funding is necessary for telephone, office supply, and postage increases due to new and additional marketing and recruitment. The Noel-Levitz group also identified sending e-mails and letters to prospective and admitted students as a means of increasing enrollment and retention. That has placed an additional strain on the operating budget. The School employs four (2) student workers. With over 350 interns a year being placed by the School, two student workers are assigned to the Internship Coordinator. The annual budget for student workers is $4,400.00. That amount has not increased in past years. Yet, the hourly rate of student workers has increased. The increase in demand for student worker hours, coupled with the increase in student worker salaries has resulted in a serious deficit. This year that deficit was covered by use of T.A. monies from cancelled classes. However, that cannot be expected each year. The School is therefore requesting an additional $2,000.00 per year for student workers. As was previously mention, the School has in excess of 350 students out on internship annually. That has resulted in an increased cost for telephone, office supplies, postage, and travel to internship sites. Costs associated with supervision of students continue to escalate each year. Additional costs will be necessary as the School makes personal contacts with community colleges in an attempt to establish more articulation agreements and partnerships with community colleges. The School identified community colleges as the main feeder of Macomb and Quad Cities programs. As the School implements new recruitment, branding, and marketing strategies, that will result in additional costs associated with travel, promotional materials, copying costs; maintenance of the copier; increasing postage costs; phone bill; etcetera. New computer purchases are still on hold, per the provosts Office. Each year that computer replacements are not made, the amount to correct the problem increases. Last year the School budgeted to replace seven (7) computers for faculty and staff. Those purchases were deferred. The School is now in need of three (3) additional computer replacements. That now puts the capital expenditure for computer replacements to $14,000.00. That figure will continue to grow as additional computers age and experience wear. The bigger picture is what will happen when outdated computers expire, without replacements in place. That will severely cripple the production of the School and adversely impact the delivery of essential service. The School is very cognizant of the State budget crisis. However, the School has become stagnant and thus lost a significant share of its marketplace. Today community colleges have full blown forensic laboratories. Benchmark institutions, such as the University of Wisconsin at Platteville have an entire house they use for mock crime scene investigation. In order to be competitive, 鶹ý Illinois must also adopt a laboratory. Potential students are now seeking degrees from competing institutions that offer such practitioner related coursework. The School is under a curriculum review, which includes a criminalistics component. So have laboratory facilities is no long a luxury, it has become a necessity. Realizing that creating a forensic lab will be a multi-year project and come with significant cost, the School will be pursing the creation of a laboratory in incremental steps. The initial request to outfit a lab with basic components is $6,527.00. The same is true of a mock courtroom. The School has implemented a Legal Studies minor. In addition, the School has taken the lead in regards to preparing men and women for law school. The School is currently advising the Phi Alpha Delta pre-law Club. The Pre-law Club won national awards this year. In keeping with the commitment to students, the University needs a mock courtroom, and LEJA is best poised to take the lead on such a venture. III. Major Objectives and Productivity Measures for FY 12 Projected Goals and Objectives A. To be successful in hiring one new faculty from the current (2010-11) school year. B. To conduct successful faculty searches for the approved but deferred four additional Unit A tenured track faculty. (鶹ý Goal #1, Action #1, a 2; Action #2). C. To increase the undergraduate student enrollment by at least five percent (5%) for FY 12. (鶹ý Goal; #2, Action 2, c). D. Identify markets for underrepresented populations and hold at least three recruitment sessions targeting underrepresented pollutions. (鶹ý Goal; #2, Action 2, c). E. To increase the graduate program new student enrollment by ten percent (10%) for FY 12. F. Engage in recruiting undergraduate transfer students for the Quad Cities campus through identified Iowa and Illinois Community Colleges. G. Establish a minimum of ten (10) new articulation agreements with community colleges. H. Establish interdisciplinary cross referenced graduate courses. I. To foster opportunities for internationalizing the School, through the Center and 鶹ýs Center for International Studies. Potential emerging relationships are with Sapir College, Israel, the Academy of Public Administration, Russia Federation, and Eastern China Political Science University [鶹ý Goal #5]. J. To increase entrepreneurial opportunities through the Center for Applied Criminal Justice by (鶹ý Goal # 2, Action 2, a, d, & f 1): 1. To maintain and strengthen the relationship with the IL Law Enforcement Executive Institute by partnering on research and training projects. 2. To partner with ILEEI in providing CEUs for completion of executive leadership training courses. 3. To submit grants and securing external funding on at least one project. 4. To provide training programs to criminal justice agencies. 5. To provide technical assistance through consulting activities with criminal justice agencies. 6. To encourage and seek opportunities in internationalization through the Center, the Center for International Studies, or other avenues [鶹ý Goal #2, Action 1, g]. 7. To encourage faculty to partner with the Center in scholarly and professional initiatives with the Coordinator. K. Establish and implement an alumni contribution program to financially support the creation of School crime lab. L. Reestablish the graduate program in Springfield, Illinois [鶹ý Goal #2]. M. Rebuild the graduate program in the Chicagoland area [鶹ý Goal #2]. N. Identify at least one (1) additional new market for the graduate program [鶹ý Goal #2]. O. Reinstitute the use of the Schools Professional Advisory Group in revising curriculum, recruiting students, marketing the School, and moving the School forward (鶹ý Goal #5; Action 2, d). P. Better utilize alumni in the recruitment of new students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Q. To continue to provide course offerings as reasonable in concert with the Honors College [鶹ý Goal #2; Action #1 h]. R. Develop additional online courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels [鶹ý Goal #2; Action #1, f & Goal #3, Action #1, h]. S. Revise assessment tools and process. Delete the use of inadequate and unreliable assessment means (i.e. the senior assessment exam) [鶹ý Goal #2, Action 1, d]. T. To continue to seek additional funding opportunities for student scholarships and work with the COEHS Development Officer in securing foundation and scholarship funds through donations of alumni and friends of the School [鶹ý Goal #3, Action #3, b]. IV. Technology Goals and Objectives (Total funding request= $15,500.00) A. To upgrade faculty and staff computers and School equipment (鶹ý Goal #2; Action 3, a) [estimated cost of $14,000.00, quantity= 10]. B. Purchase two (2) Apple IPADs for administrative personnel for travel, communication, meetings, etcetera [estimated cost $ 1,500.00]. D. To provide i-tunes download on all classroom computers for the purpose for podcasting lectures [quantity = 7 at no cost, license of 鶹ý]. E. Assist the University in the procurement of a new distance education delivery system. V. Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations: Macomb Campus A. With this report, it is requested that the 75% Unit B position (line F009) be converted to 100% Unit B [鶹ý, Goal #, Action #2 & Goal #2]. VI. Internal Reallocations and Reorganizations: Quad Cities Campus A. Request allocation of funds for recruiting students in the Quad Cities ($3,000). VII. New Academic Degree/Certificate Development Requests A. The School will be seeking approval of a new Fire Science minor with two options. B. The School will be seeking approval of a new Fire Science major with two options. C. The School will continue with the revision of the undergraduate curriculum. D. The School will engage in a curriculum review at the Graduate level. E. The School will convert at least one additional existing course to an on-line course offering. VIII. Facilities Request A. To obtain one new office and office equipment. With adding one new faculty member Fall 2010, a new office is needed along with a new computer, monitor, printer, desk, chair, filing cabinet, and three book cases. B. Obtain room space for a mock courtroom. C. Obtain room space for a forensic laboratory. D. Obtain room space for a visiting faculty researcher. E. Establish dedicated classroom space at the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses for new distance education delivery. X. Initial Crime Lab Supplies ($6,527) 40x 1000x Forensic Comparison Microspoe 3,099.00 100 - 70mm Latent-PRO Fuming Dishes 11.50 Latent-PRO Cyanoacrylate - 1 lb. 49.00 Standard Latent Print Field Kit - Black $27.00 Deluxe Magnetic Powder Field Kit $60.00 Fluorescent Powder Field Kit $29.00 Professional Fingerprint Magnifier $53.00 PathFinder Omega Dust Print Lifter with Film $725.00 Silver Nitrate Refill - 50ml 26.00 Ninhydrin - 16 oz Aerosol Can 18.50 Iodine Fuming Kit 49.00 Rhodamine 6G - Premixed Liter Methanolic $21.00 Rhodamine 6G Powder - 100 grams 40.00 Optimax Biological Recovery Field Kit $445.00 Tactical Crime Scene Optimax Kit $325.00 Blood Spatter Kit $190.00 Deluxe Photo Documentation Kit $215.00 Master Forensic Entomology Kit $295.00 Evidence Packaging Kit $125.00 Compact UV Lamp $34.00 ORION" LITE L.E. 3-Piece Light Source Kit $215.00 Deluxe Crime Scene Sketch Kit $275.00 Deluxe Dental Stone Casting Kit $125.00 Mikrosil"! Silicone - Gray 25.50 Trajectory String Kit $50.00 SummaryNew Fund Requests (Total funding requests= $40,527) A. Procurement of $4,500.00 for promotional and recruiting materials, for the Macomb and Quad Cities campuses, the Chicago area, and new markets. C. Replacement computers for 10 faculty (estimate of $14,000.00). D. Technology requests estimated at $15,500.00. E. Crime Lab equipment $6,527.00. XI. Faculty/Professional Activities (see item I B (6) pg. 4; this report) A. Encourage faculty to exceed their level of scholarly publications. B. Encourage faculty to exceed their present levels of research at conference presentations as funding permits. C. Encourage faculty to seek more grant opportunities. D. Encourage faculty to continue to participate in professional creative activities and to partner with the Centers coordinator on creative projects. E. Encourage faculty to continue their level of service to the School, College, University, students, and the criminal justice community. F. 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